FS Italiane, 2 billion loan from Intesa Sanpaolo with SACE guarantee

FS Italiane the sixth Green Bond Report has been published

(Finance) – Italian State Railways concludes the medium/long-term collection operations of 2024, with the signing of a four-year financing with Intesa Sanpaolo – IMI CIB for a total of 2 billion euros. The proceeds will be aimed in particular at financing expenses maintenance extraordinary for the modernization of the railway infrastructure, fully compliant with ESG principles because they relate to projects capable of producing significant environmental and social benefits.

Intesa Sanpaolo – IMI CIB was awarded one competitive procedure – launched by FS last October – in which they participated eight banks domestic and international, whose overall offers have reached a record amount of 4.65 billion euros.

It is confirmed with this operation the appetite of the capital market for credit risk and for i FS Group projectsin a year in which FS has already carried out operations medium/long term financial assets for a total of 3.95 billion of euros.

The new loan Furthermore, it presents an innovative structure, as it benefits from a independent first demand guarantee issued by SACE on 50% of the financed expenses – equal to 1 billion euros – found suitable for recourse to the so-called. “Archimedes guarantee”as introduced by Law 213 of 30 December 2023. This guarantee covers infrastructural and productive investments made in Italy, promoting the growth and competitiveness of Italian companies and the country system.

The operation will allow you to extend the loan deadline until January 2029 short-term – of the same amount – subscribed with Intesa Sanpaolo on 25 July 2023, expiring on 20 January 2025.
