FS Group, Ferraris: “PNRR tenders for 19 billion euros in all of 2022”

FS Group Ferraris PNRR tenders for 19 billion euros in

(Finance) – “The FS Group plays a vital role in PNRRRete Ferroviaria Italiana is our largest contracting station and in April it has already accounted for more than 12% of the allocated funds, more than 3 billion euros “, according to Luigi Ferraris, CEO of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group who took stock of the commitment of the Group to the development of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan as part of the Festival of Economics underway in Trento.

In the article by Fs News, the information portal of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group, we read that the CEO spoke to the panel “Observatory on the NRP: objectives achieved and critical issues“, which opened with an interview with Enrico GiovanniniMinister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, and during which Luigi Ferraris announced that the FS Group “in the course of 2022 it will launch tenders for a total value of approximately 19 billion eurosconsidering the recent revaluation of prices “. Among the open sites, as pointed out by Ferraris, those” on the Naples-Bari, where the works of all the lots included in the PNRR have already been entrusted, on the Palermo-Catania where we are about to restart two tenders, in Liguria on the Single Node Project of Genoa and Terzo Valico, where the excavation of the tunnels reached 94 and 79% respectively, then from Brescia to Padua on the Turin-Venice high-speed transverse, where today work is being carried out on the Brescia – Verona and Verona – Vicenza junction “.

“One scenario in full evolution – the article reads – despite the expensive energy and the increase in the cost of materials, to which was added the war in Ukraine and the consequences in the procurement sector. “However, the Government has been able to give an adequate response to these phenomena thanks to the Aid Decree”, remarked Ferraris who also underlined the goal of launching, between the second half of 2022 and the first months of next year all the tenders necessary to meet the 2026 deadline of the Recovery“.

“The goal – continues the article – is that of accelerate towards ever more efficient, sustainable, safe and resilient mobility, to also favor the most effective interconnection of transport systems. A mission, that of intermodality, in which innovation and digitization play a fundamental role, as evidenced by the development by the FS Group of a Integrated Multimodal Mobility Platform which will already guarantee the customer the transport services made available by the Group from September and the possibility of having, later, through a simple and integrated interface, also the offer of Local Public Transport and ancillary services offered by third party operators ( car rental, light mobility, tourist services, etc.) “.
