FS Award for territorial communication to the TgrRai

FS Award for territorial communication to the TgrRai

(Finance) – The two days of the 43rd edition of the Ischia International Journalism Award and just yesterday, during the first day, the State Railways Award for Territorial Communication at Rai regional newspapers.

The FS Award – reads on Fs News, the information portal of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group – was delivered yesterday to the deputy director of Tgr RAI Antonello Perillo. “We thank Ferrovie dello Stato for this award which recognizes our commitment – said Perillo – it is a joy to receive it because it is awarded to us by the Ischia Award, which means quality, and by Ferrovie, which means territory. And we as TGR try to to do just that: to tell with quality what is happening region by region, municipality by municipality “.

“The Jury of the FS Award for Territorial Communication – reads the motivation for the recognition – unanimously decided to award the TgrRai for theprofuse commitment giving voice to the FS Group and telling the issues of the territories related to infrastructures, the mobility of people and goods and urban regeneration day by day. Themes that, in this period of health emergency, have supported the effort to readjust activities and channel energy for the maintenance of the productive and social system of the entire territory “.

According to the Jury, “the newspaper, which has always been attentive to the multiplicity of local realities, has able to grasp the moments of transformation and expansion of the companies in the country. Among these, the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, which has followed the evolution over time and the developments in the territorial capillarity that necessarily affect daily life, the environment, sustainability and above all our future “.

For FS, on the other hand, being alongside the 43rd edition of the Ischia International Journalism Award means confirm its commitment to the world of culture and information. Reaffirm its conviction that transparent, impartial and attentive information to the needs of communities represents an essential value of democracy, civilization and freedom.

The Ischia International Journalism Award is in fact an award given to journalists who have distinguished themselves for their professionalism and ethics throughout their careers. Organized with the Patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in the past it was assigned, among others, to Salvatore Quasimodo, Eugenio Montale, Alberto Moravia and more recently to Paolo Mieli, Eugenio Scalfari, Piero Angela. The winner of the 2022 edition, to which the Prize will be awarded on the final evening of tonight, Saturday 2 July, is the director of Limes Lucio Caracciolo.
