Fryshuset’s CEO on the recruitment of children: “An insocialization – they are victims”

A relationship is created, a kind of socialization. This is how Johan Oljeqvist describes the process when a child is recruited into gangs – what he likens to grooming.

According to Johan Oljeqvist, it is common to think that those involved in the shootings are heavily criminal adult men, but many of those who shoot and are shot are under the age of 20 – and many of them children.

– Then the working methods that we had before do not work, but we need to regard them as children and use methods that are used when protecting children.

But this insocialization – does it really mean that one can go on to become a murderer?

– Our experience is that most – if not all – who shoot a person have drugs in their bodies that inhibit empathy. Most people cannot cope with committing crimes like this otherwise, says Johan Oljeqvist and continues:

– Children’s cognitive ability is not such that consequences and impulses work in the same way as for an adult, but it goes quite quickly from an impulse to standing and finding yourself doing something.

Hear more from Fryshuset’s CEO in the clip above.
