From vaccine plan to pension reform, what happens after the elections?

DEF Thursday in CdM for approval

(Finance) – The summer crisis of Italian politics which opened up to the scenario of the next elections September 25 brings with it more than one unknown: from the vaccine plan to the pension reform, passing through the dear bills, all dossiers in urgent search of answers. Far from being in the background the knot on times given that to date it is impossible to establish with certainty how many days will be needed for the formation of the new executive that takes the baton of the Dragh Governmenti: you go 90 daysi before the oath of “Count 1” at the birth of Berlusconi quater in the 2008, which broke just 25 daysi after the outcome of the elections.

First of all, the parties awarded by the polls will have to reconsider the April DEF, starting from the trend framework (without the effects of new reforms or measures) that Draghi will present at the end of the month and with the new “macro” situation and the updated state of the accounts which will obviously have to take into account the fallout not only from inflation, but also from the conflict in Ukraine and the pandemic.
September 9th
The decisions of the Extraordinary European Council working on the hypothesis of a “price cap” on gas, road indicated by the Italian premier. However, net of any intervention at European levelthe new executive will have to intervene on the energy side

Then we need to understand what will happen on the pensions front as it will run out at the end of the year Quota 102 and, in the absence of new interventions, we will return to the Fornero law from 2023, an option that Salvini has removed from the plate several times.

The vaccination strategy is also not without complications,
in view of autumn with the possible scenario of a rise in infections, in the wake of the Centaurus variant. Here too, however, the parties go in no particular order. It is no mystery that the center-right is willing to take a path from the one followed by the executive in recent months, while the Democratic Party considers the emergency not yet over and has no intention of backing away from the line of prudence.
