From the land of prawns to the Celtic Sea, Olivette Otele

From the land of prawns to the Celtic Sea Olivette

You have to go as far as Wales to meet her, to the Celtic Sea to let your prejudices die there. And all the way to Bristol to see him work there. There is in it Anglo-Saxon poetry and religious songs in Beti or Bassa.

There are worlds that it connects. It’s beautiful and it’s sad at the same time to have to announce thatOlivette Otele is the first black woman to hold a chair of history in Britain where she teaches colonial history. And it’s enjoyable to read his History of Blacks in Europe from Antiquity to the Present, voted best book of 2020 by the Guardian and History Today. A reading that coincides, but is it a coincidence, with the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Trafficking.

The musical choices of Olivette Otele

Reniss Manamuh

Bob Marley Exodus
