from the far right to Macronie, the attacks against Nupes are increasing

after the presidential election the left fights for a union

In the lead in the intentions for the 1st round of the legislative elections, the Nupes, the union of the left, is beginning to look like a scarecrow for its opponents. Attacks and criticisms have therefore become more and more intense in recent days.

We must demonize the Nupes, describe it as a pro-Islamist extreme left “. The instruction is addressed to all the candidates of the National Rally (RN) according to documents revealed by Médiapart at the end of last week. The Union of the Left makes the extreme right shiver, but not only. In the Macron camp, the attacks fuse: burkini, Ukraine, economic program, everything is good to discredit an alliance described as against nature, reports Aurelien Devernoix from the political service of RFI.

Proof that you can win “, we smile in the ranks of the Nupes. This is a prospect that neither Emmanuel Macron nor Marine Le Pen believe in, but neither of them wants to see the gathering of the lefts set up as the country’s leading opposition force. A handicap to govern, we fear in the presidential ranks, a threat for 2027, we fear on the side of the RN.

The wave of dissident candidacies coming from those dissatisfied with the Socialist Party is therefore viewed with as much interest as benevolence. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he repeats not to pay attention to it and launches this week in new demonstrations of force. First step this Monday with the launch of the Nupes Parliament, where new supporters from the intellectual, trade union and artistic worlds will be unveiled.

►Also read: Legislative in France: the Nupes presents 650 measures to govern
