From the emergency room: Dr. Gérald Kierzek notes a spike in stress cases (video)

From the emergency room Dr Gerald Kierzek notes a spike

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    Doctor Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo, takes the camera from the Hôtel-Dieu emergency room: “Hello everyone. Welcome to this short live video from the emergency room to tell you about the state of people’s psyche.

    A serious surge observed in cases of stress in the Emergency Department

    But people are not well. I discuss it with my psychiatrist colleague: either they are patients who consult for anxiety attacks, for real psychological issues. They are aware of it, they come to ask for help. Either, and this is what I have just noticed again with several patients who come for a problem that we call “somatic”, they come for a hypertensive attack; they come for a pain problem; they come for a trauma problem.

    In fact, very quickly, we realize that this problem is benign. But that there is an anxiety, an anguish of life that is emerging and when we talk to our patients, they tell us “I spend hours on the internet”, “I spend hours looking for information”.

    Zero Covid will not exist; you don’t have to be afraid of it

    We are coming out of two years which have been very deleterious on the psychic level with constant bad news, with a fairly morbid death count, with extremely anxiety-provoking counters. There, unfortunately, I realize that we are starting to be scared again with the variant, with cases of contamination which are increasing.

    Yes, there will inevitably be cases of contamination that will increase. The zero Covid does not exist, but we must not play at being scared. And above all, the consequences of this negative stress are extremely important on mental health, as well as on physical health. Add the context of the war in Ukraine: you have a rather explosive cocktail from which we will have to free ourselves a little to take a little distance.

    Consult a GP online

    Go out, play sports, meditate…

    So if you spend a lot of time in front of the news channels, you have to get away from it. “A little less time“, it does not mean “do not inform” of cours. It is important, but we must try to take some distance. You have to enjoy life, you have to play sports, go out.

    Monday, March 14, measures were relaxed. So let’s not go back to a kind of panic and generalized hysteria about the Covid. And then getting information on the internet is good, but it’s also good to do other things on the internet. My advice, you know it: I am a fervent defender of self-hypnosis. For example, practice two meditation sessions! Why not switch your hours on the internet to get bad news with relaxation sessions that could really do you good? It’s a way to calm you down and help you gain height.

    I wish you a great night, or a great day if you watch this video at the start of the day.
