From the CDP Foundation 500 thousand euros for the enhancement of the Italian cultural and artistic heritage

CDP successfully places 1 billion bond issue

(Finance) – Supporting projects capable of enhancing, thanks to the creation of partnerships between several subjects, the Italian cultural and landscape heritage even in smaller municipalities: this is the objective of the new tender CDP Foundation “Cultural Ecosystems”.

The tender offers 500,000 euros to finance projects which mainly concern Municipalities with less than 100,000 inhabitants. The initiatives may concern any form of art, from plastic to visual, from digital to performative and literary, and will have to involve the public on the main contemporary themes. Particular importance will be given to ideas capable of increasing the attractiveness of the territory but above all capable of having a positive impact on the localities of reference in the long term.

The tender arises from a careful analysis by the CDP Foundation which highlights how, despite the Italian artistic-cultural sector continuing to record a positive trend in terms of production of goods and services, in some areas of the country there is a lack of supply in the field culture and initiatives aimed at preserving and enhancing the artistic and landscape heritage. According to ISTAT data, in 2021 there was a lack of any form of cultural offer in 1,243 small Italian municipalities (15% of the total), where a total of 1 million and 600 thousand inhabitants live (2.8% of the population), with a greater interest in the phenomenon of Southern Italy.

Proposals, with a minimum budget of 50,000 euros and no more than 125,000 euros, may be presented via the dedicated portal of the CDP Foundation by third sector entities, national and international NGOs, non-profit organizations, associations and cooperatives no later than 22 September 2023.
