From the CDM green light to the post-disaster decree: 210 million euros for the 2023 flood

Consolidated law on audiovisuals Council of Ministers approves reform

(Finance) – Il cabinet post-election approved the law decree for post-disaster reconstruction, for civil protection interventions and the holding of major international events. Among the measures approved also the strengthening of security in view of G7 which will be held in Borgo Egnazia, in Puglia, from 13 to 15 June. The meeting was chaired by deputy prime minister Antonio Tajani. The Minister of Civil Protection and Sea Policies, Nello Musumeci, also presents.

The new post-disaster decree provides that “for damage to movable property, destroyed or seriously damaged as a result of the flood events that occurred in May 2023, present within properties owned by private entities, intended for residential use, on the date of the same flood events , the Extraordinary Commissioner” recognizes, for a spending limit of 210 million euros, “a contribution commensurate on a flat rate basis and on the basis of the number and type of rooms within which the movable assets were located, within the limit of 3,200 eurosor for the room used as a kitchen, as well as within the limit of additional ones 700 euros for each of the other rooms, up to a maximum overall amount of 6,000 euros per homeensuring compliance with spending limits.

THE contributions are recognised, specifies the draft decree, “net of any insurance compensation received by the beneficiary as a result of damage to movable property referred to in the previous period”.

Contributions are also provided for delocalisation el’purchase of alternative areas. “To ensure the rapid realization, implementation and reporting of the repair, restoration or reconstruction of public works and cultural heritage”, the extraordinary commissioner for reconstruction, with his own adopted measures, “may identify, without new or greater burdens on the finance public, as implementing entities, provided that they already possess the necessary professionalism to deal with the related activities”, we read in the draft.

The measure also included measures for the reconstruction of the 2009 earthquake The Eagle and provisions for the management of post-2016 earthquake interventions in Center of Italy. “The contribution for independent accommodation will cease from 1 September 2024”.

“From the date of termination of the contribution”, it is specified, “a contribution called ‘contribution for housing hardship aimed at reconstruction’ is recognized in favor of families, already recipients of the contribution for independent accommodation, whose main home, habitual and continuous has been destroyed in whole or in part or seriously damaged as a result of events seismic which have affected the territories of the regions of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria starting from 24 August 2016 and have been the subject of a contribution application for restoration interventions with improvement or adjustment seismic or for the reconstruction”.
