From September 16, motorcyclists will probably no longer be able to ride this way

From September 16 motorcyclists will probably no longer be able

This widespread practice could be banned across the country.

On the road, it is quite common to see motorists getting annoyed when traffic conditions are bad or when carelessness is committed. A car that changes lanes without warning, that overtakes on the left then on the right to gain a few places in traffic… This kind of situation can occur with cars, but also with motorcycles, scooters and three-wheelers. Motorists often see them, in their rearview mirror, coming up to them by slipping between vehicles.

This practice, which is very widespread among motorcyclists, has a name: inter-file traffic (CIF). However, it is strictly prohibited by the Highway Code and punishable by a fine of 135 euros. Except that since August 2, 2021, a national experiment has been launched to decide on the subject. It authorizes motorized two-wheelers and three-wheelers to circulate between the lines on highways and expressways when traffic is dense and there is enough space between vehicles. In total, 21 departments currently authorize inter-file traffic: Alpes-Maritimes, Bouches-du-Rhône, Drôme, Gironde, Haute-Garonne, Hérault, Isère, Loire-Atlantique, Nord, Pyrénées-Orientales, Rhône, Var, Vaucluse as well as the departments of the Île-de-France region.

“Inter-file traffic” sign © Road safety

In these areas, all motorists are informed of this test phase by means of a rectangular sign, illustrating dense traffic with motorcycles authorized to circulate between the lines of cars. Other small additional signs such as “B14”, “M4c”, “M9z” with the words “inter-file” can also be seen. These signs are purely indicative, but they indicate to users that the maximum authorized speed in inter-file traffic is 50 km/h.

For three years now, tests have been carried out. Initially, the experimental phase was to end on August 1, 2024, but it has been extended until September 15. “The extension of the CIF experiment concerns all the routes on which it was conducted, with the exception of roads hosting the JOP reserved lanes in Île-de-France where it is suspended from July 15, 2024”, can be read in the press release from the Ministry of the Interior.

The conclusions of the tests will thus be made available later. Among the scenarios that are being considered, it is possible that from September 16, inter-file traffic will once again be prohibited throughout the country for motorcyclists. But it is also possible that the authorities will decide to authorize or regulate it… While waiting for a report from the Center for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Development (Cerema) which will determine whether this practice can be integrated into the Highway Code, drivers will have to keep their eyes open and be extra vigilant to comply with the regulations.
