From “selective” 110% Superbonus to Irpef Reform: the decisions of the Council of Ministers

CDM the two omnibus decrees Asset and Giustizia approved

(Finance) – Green light from the Council of Ministers to the Milleproroghe decreeto four others implementing decrees of the tax reform and to a ad hoc decree on the Superbonus at 110%, which was the subject of a plea bargain within the majority in a pre-summit at Palazzo Chigi.

The 110% Superbonus remainsbut selectively for low-income families, and an amnesty is also introduced for all those who have not completed the work by 31 December 2023. This is provided for by an agreement reached within the majority, during this afternoon’s summit, following pressure from Forza Italia deputies. The meeting requested by Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani saw the participation, among others, of the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti and some technicians.

The 110% Superbonus will therefore remain for families with Low ISEE, up to 15,000 euros for a single person, who will be able to continue and conclude the renovation works by 2024. The nuclei with Higher isee they will be able to continue the work next year, but tax relief will be reduced to 70%.

Also introduced one amnestywhich secures all those who have not completed the work by 31 December 2023, who they will not have to pay back the sums already obtained, but they will be able to benefit from 110% for work already carried out and not yet completed.

However, the proposal for a Sal did not pass (work progress status) extraordinary as of 31 December 2023, which would have allowed the benefit of 110% also for works carried out by the end of the year, but not included in the previous Sal. A measure which, in the opinion of the technicians, would not have been compatible with the state budget.

In addition to the Superbonus, the CdM has this evening four further legislative decrees implementing the Fiscal Delegation were definitively approved. The four decrees specifically concern the new collaborative compliance, tax litigation, the Taxpayer’s Statute and the first application of the Irpef Reform, which provides for the reduction of the brackets from 4 to 3 for 2024.

There Irpef reform in particular it provides the merging of the first two brackets up to 28,000 euro, with the application of one rate at 23%, then a bracket up to 50,000 euros with the rate unchanged at 35% and one over 50,000 euros with the rate remaining at 43%. For incomes above 50,000 euros, however, there is also a deductible of 260 euros on deductions at 19%, excluding health expenses, which progressively neutralizes the benefit of the revision of the rates.

2023 ends with a more than positive balance sheet regarding the process of implementing the tax reform”, states the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance in a note, Maurizio Leoadding “government action on this front therefore continues at an incessant pace. We are meeting our time targets which we agreed upon immediately after the approval of the enabling law, in August. The goal we set ourselves in 2024 is to give continuity to our government action, completing the implementation of one reform that Italy has been waiting for for over half a century“.

As for the Milleproroghe decreewas removed the norm on tax breaks for athletes who return from abroad. “An exemption was not made for a few months. It was talked about but then it was decided not to do anything”, confirmed Tajani at the end of the meeting.
