from one government to another, the unbearable wait

from one government to another the unbearable wait

The last Council of Ministers of the government of Jean Castex takes place this Thursday, April 28 around Emmanuel Macron. The re-elected president then invited his ministers to share a buffet to say goodbye. End of sequence before the appointment of a new Prime Minister and a new government to attack Macron’s second five-year term.

It’s an atmosphere particular which currently reigns in the ministries, testifies a member of the government: The boxes have been delivered to us since yesterday. The members of the cabinets found a note on their desks on Monday titled “your departure”. »

What stress a number of them. There is no longer any contact between ministers. It is everyone in his corner, who is looking for a constituency to become a deputy, who makes offers of service to keep a morocco. But not sure that there are many “survivors” of the 41 members of the government. To renew, it’s now or never.

Emmanuel Macron have fun with everyone, that’s the game “Blows the same minister. No one knows who he’ll pull out of the hat to replace John Castex, or when. The question everyone is asking is whether the president already has the name of the next prime minister in mind or if he is still looking. Difficult to imagine who is the rare pearl who combines the environmental and social profile, the two criteria put forward by Emmanuel Macron. A former right-wing minister sympathizes: “ It’s terrible for the ministers, I pity them. The start is always very violent. »

► To read also: France: what profile for the next Prime Minister?
