From July 8, these high school students can receive up to 160 euros: how can they benefit?

From July 8 these high school students can receive up

Thousands of young people will soon be affected by this very special bonus.

There are some financial incentives that are nice, especially when they reward the efforts made. On this subject, one might think that young people are not concerned. Apart from the pocket money given by their parents, in principle, they do not receive any income. And yet, they too are entitled to certain bonuses, in particular when they take the baccalaureate. For a few years now, when a student gets a distinction in the baccalaureate, they can obtain a bonus of a certain amount from their bank. In general, the amount of money varies according to the distinction obtained (fairly good, good, or very good).

Several banking institutions offer this reward in order to encourage young graduates to open an account in their branch. This is the case of the CIC bank which offers three bonuses to young graduates of the 2024 baccalaureate: one of 40 euros for the fairly good mention, one of 80 euros for the good mention and another of 160 euros for the very good mention. The money is paid directly into a CIC savings account in the name of the graduate. If the teenager does not have one, the condition is to open one by presenting his or her baccalaureate transcript.

BNP Paribas has also decided to reward this year students who obtain their BAC, or their BTS, their license, their master and their doctorate with an 80 euro gift card, valid in several partner stores, upon presentation of the diploma. The offer is reserved for the first 10,000 people who contact their advisor. In past years, other establishments have also offered bonuses, such as Crédit Agricole or Société Générale, but are not renewing the offer this year. As for the Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France, it now supports all young people aged 14 to 20, whether or not they are graduates, with a financial bonus of up to 200 euros.

Also note that your child can obtain a merit scholarship from their region or merit aid from the Crous if they are a scholarship holder. Town halls, departmental councils and regional councils sometimes provide a significant financial boost. The Ile-de-France regional council in particular pays aid of 1,000 euros to deserving high school graduates who have obtained the “Very good” mark. The South Region awards a scholarship of 400 euros to high school graduates who have obtained the “Very good” mark. Again, ask your local municipality to find out the terms and conditions.
