From Intesa Sanpaolo and Sace 10 million euros for the “green” development of Sibeg Coca-Cola

From Intesa Sanpaolo and Sace 10 million euros for the

(Finance) – Sustainable growth is increasingly at the center of development projects Sibeg Coca-Colaa company from Catania that has been producing, developing and distributing all branded products in Sicily since 1960 The Coca-Cola Company. A strategy shared by Intesa Sanpaolofrom which it obtained a loan of 10 million euroswith the support of Supportitalia Guarantee, the extraordinary tool of the SACE Group envisaged by the Aid Decree to support the liquidity and investment needs of Italian companies impacted by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The operation, which will support and strengthen the strategy of “green” development of Sibeg, was structured by the Corporate Finance Mid-Cap Department of the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo and is based on the S-Loan plafond that Intesa Sanpaolo reserves for projects that meet specific criteria of respect for the environment and reduction of consumption which, in this specific case, is the achievement of Carbon Neutrality and the strengthening of the use of renewable energy sources.

“Thanks to our ambitious goal: to become a Carbon Neutral company with zero emissions by 2026 – underlines the CEO Sibeg Coca-Cola Luca Busi – we have planned an important long-term investment plan, with the aim of arriving on time for this epochal revolution. Thanks to the funding of 10 million euros, we will not only support the actions envisaged in our road map to zero the carbon footprint, but we will support the birth of the new aseptic line for Sibeg bottling. This will mean strengthening the Sicilian plant, expanding production and employment. A courageous operation, in a highly critical and uncertain period, which we wanted to undertake with the aim of giving a strong signal to the area in which we operate. Thanks go to Intesa Sanpaolo and SACE: having a partner capable of understanding the value and potential of this development plan, and supporting it with adequate financial instruments that are attentive to the quality of the investments, allows us to go even faster and faster along the path innovation traced by our company”.

Intesa Sanpaolo considers it essential to promote the development of a sustainable economy, promoting the development of this culture and recognizing the relevance of the investments that are framed in the three guiding criteria, called ESG. With this in mind, the Group has launched a medium-long term financing instrument called S Loan, specifically designed to accompany the efforts of companies in the direction of greater sustainability under the environmental profile, social and corporate governance, making the most of dedicated investments thanks also to the identification of indicators of shared performances. S-Loan supports the medium-long term needs of companies with dedicated favorable conditions, thanks to the rate reductions that will be recognized upon achievement of the improvement objectives in ESG scope. Upon reaching the KPIs, a discount on the loan will be recognized in order to reward the results achieved. S-Loan is a loan that rewards virtuous behavior in the field of sustainability.

“The ability of companies to understand and govern their impact in environmental, governance and social terms – he explains Alessandra Florio, Emilia-Romagna and Marche Regional Director of Intesa Sanpaolo – is central to projecting them into an increasingly competitive market. For us, as the first Italian bank, supporting those companies that focus on sustainable growth and ESG criteria is a duty and a responsibility, as well as a satisfaction, which allows us to play an active part in the creation of collective value. It is no coincidence that already in 2020 we activated a ceiling of 2 billion euro for the new S-Loans, which joins the limit Of 8 billion intended for investments in the Circular Economy, aimed at supporting business initiatives towards the sustainable transition”.

“We are proud to support Sibeg in this important project which sees it engaged in the total abatement of carbon emissions,” – declared Antonio Bartolo, Regional Director SUD Business Network of SACE – “Sibeg is a leading and historical reality in the Sicilian production landscape, which SACE has already supported in the past in its internationalization process and which we are happy to accompany also in its green transition, in line with the objectives of the TOGETHER 2025 industrial plan, which sees us committed to the sustainable development of Italian companies”.
