From cheesy to trendy: these cars that we so decried will make a strong comeback this year

Long criticized for their lack of aesthetics and power, these vehicles appeal to many more drivers today.

Sometimes there are vehicles that we can’t stand, without really knowing why. Among all the models that exist, there is one that has attracted a lot of criticism for years. You’ve probably passed him one day on the road, or perhaps you’ve even called him names because the car wasn’t moving fast enough in your eyes. For a long time, it was associated with a certain social stigma. We found it corny. People even thought it was less safe than a conventional vehicle. And yet, years later, it is making a comeback in car dealerships and this year at the Paris Motor Show.

These are unlicensed vehicles, which many nicknamed rolling “yogurt pots”. Now, we see a little more of them on the streets, because they are a huge success among young people, but also among people who have lost or failed their driving license. One of the models that is currently popular is the Citroën Ami. Compact and electric, it was designed for urban mobility and can accommodate two people maximum. Since its launch in 2020, more than 50,000 models have been sold in 14 countries, including France. This little car is particularly popular with high school students, who have obtained their AM license (formerly the road safety certificate) and who need to drive around town. But this is not the only model to attract the attention of buyers…

Because yes, some traditional car manufacturers have completely redesigned the design of the car without a license. Today, they feature more modern colors, like the Citroën Ami, which is available in a beautiful gray blue and beige-brown. Coming soon at the Mondial de l’Auto, which will be held in Paris from October 14 to 20, 2024, new players will present their vehicle models without a license.

Citroën Ami model © Citroën
Microlino model © Micro Mobility Systems

This is the case of the French manufacturer Eon Motors which will unveil the electric Weez City Pro, designed for utility and peri-urban use, as well as the City Duo and the City 4, a four-seater car ideal for families. There will also be a taste of vintage at the motor show with the presentation of Microlino, a small electric city car, designed by the Swiss brand Micro Mobility Systems, taking inspiration from the famous Isetta of the 1950s. So don’t be surprised if in a In the near future, you will see cars without licenses parked in rows!
