From CDP 42.2 million for the redevelopment of the building stock of the University of Milano-Bicocca

From CDP 422 million for the redevelopment of the building

(Finance) – A plan for the structural and technological modernization of the site, the functional redefinition of the spaces and the creation of new works in order to contribute to the University’s competitiveness. These are the main objectives of the four total loans 42.2 million euros granted by Deposits and Loans Fund (CDP) toUniversity of Milan-Bicocca for the redevelopment and development of the Lombard academic reality.

The operation is divided into two parts. The first is represented by two lines of credit, for an amount of over 31.4 million, which will contribute to the creation of a more sustainable, interactive, inclusive and flexible campus for a growing community that currently consists of over 40,000 people including students, teachers and technical-administrative staff. The project includes interventions of efficiency energeticwith the installation of photovoltaic panels, and of modernization technological for the spaces dedicated to students, who will have new classrooms and study rooms at their disposal. Furthermore, to encourage gentle mobility, the campus will be equipped with velostations for bicycles equipped with changing rooms and showers.

The resources made available by CDP are also intended to support new interventions of nature buildingstructural and plant engineering aimed at the creation of three laboratories with a high technological and scientific impact in the Departments of Excellence of Environmental and Earth Sciences, Materials Science and Biotechnology and Biosciences.

Secondly, CDP grants two loans for a total value of 10.8 million which will contribute to the completion and reorganization of the residences university ‘Demostene’, ‘I Sirenei’ and ‘Casa Marmont – Modena’ with the creation of new beds and the improvement of the usability of the spaces for disabled users.

The common goal of the various funding is to give a strong boost to retraining sustainability of the territory, helping to fuel the attractiveness and competitiveness of one of the most important Italian universities. The operation follows the intervention priorities identified by the Strategic Guidelines relating to Social Infrastructures as envisaged by the CDP 2022-2024 Plan, with the aim of contributing to the development of both education infrastructure and student housing to generate a social impact and positive environmental.
