From car city to bicycle city: who gets priority in Nieuwegein?

From car city to bicycle city who gets priority in

The attention for the bicycle in the election programs of political parties in Nieuwegein has grown remarkably compared to four years ago, according to the Fietsersbond. Indeed, the various programs highlight several spearheads of the union, such as lowering the maximum speed on neighborhood roads to 30 kilometers per hour, giving priority to cyclists and bicycle parking. According to the Fietsersbond, which has compared and ranked all programs, GroenLinks has the best plans for cyclists in Nieuwegein. The PvdA and the ChristenUnie followed immediately after, followed by D66, the CDA and the United Seniors Party. Local Renewal and the VVD score with regard to the standards of the Fietsersbond “just a little better than the four parties that do not mention the bicycle at all: Everyone’s Interest, Jesus Lives, De Unie and Stadspartij Nùwegein”. Incidentally, the latter party argues on its website for a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour in residential areas.
