From bank tax to minimum wage, Meloni in 360 degrees: what he said

Meloni Extra profits on the unjust margins of the banks

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – “Of course I would do it again, it’s an initiative that I wanted”, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni goes straight and interviewed by Corriere, Repubblica and La Stampa, dealt with the main current political issues in an interview in 360 degrees in which he claims government action.

“I have the utmost respect for the banking system and I have no intention of hitting the banks. But there was a situation of imbalance”, explains the Premier underlining that “The banking system was quick to raise mortgage rates, but it left the rates that were recognized to savers unchanged and a distortion was created”.

The position on the minimum salary: “I said one specific thing: let’s give C. sixty daysin, in time for the budget law, to make an overall proposal for the fight against poor work which may include the issue of the minimum wage for some categories”.

“What I exclude – he adds – is that we can deal with a single and generalized measure on the minimum wage, a question
that exists and that it is that of low wages”. Meloni also said she was impressed by the opposition law proposal, where “a fund is foreseen for entrepreneurs who will have to increase wages.

Right – he observes -. But they don’t imagine a cover and say it depends on the government. Curious, isn’t it? At my house it’s called the game of the match”. “At the table – reveals Meloni – lgold have admitted that they know that the minimum wage will not solve the issue of poor work, but since they have started a collection of signatures, they are carrying it forward”.
