From award-winning Kyra Kyrklund, 72, an emphatic message to racing riders: “A horse is not a sports equipment” | Sport

From award winning Kyra Kyrklund 72 an emphatic message to racing

The legend of Finnish horse racing, Kyra Kyrklund, received a rare award on Tuesday.

One of Finland’s equestrian legends Kyra Kyrklund received the Great Merit Medal from the Finnish Olympic Committee on Tuesday. 72-year-old Kyrklund became the first ever rider to receive a rare award.

Kyrklund, who works as a coach today, has been to every Summer Olympics since the 1980 Games. Six of them as an athlete. The Finnish dressage rider has recently received great recognition for his career, as a year ago he was elected to the Finnish Sports Hall of Fame.

Kyrklund has also earned a reputation as a trainer and trainer of horses. He says that the recognitions are a sign of long-term work.

– These recognitions are not only important to me, but also to the entire equestrian sport and to all my supporters during my life.

The World Cup medal opened doors

Kyrklund names the individual silver medal at the 1990 World Championships in Stockholm as the clear single star moment of his career. The achievement opened many doors for him.

– The fifth places in the Olympics and the victory in the World Cup final are also great moments, Kyrklund adds.

A dressage rider competing in next summer’s Paris Olympics Emma Kanerva know Kyrklund’s value to the Finnish sports community.

– Kyra has always been a big role model for me and for Finnish dressage in general. When I was younger, I attended his coaching classes in Finland. It’s great that dressage is recognized and she gets such a badge of honor for all her success.

– Before the 2012 London Olympics, Kanerva spent time at Kyrklund’s stable.

– It was great to be there and watch the riding. You got to watch closely how things work at his stable.

Good mood in racing

Kyrklund has the reputation of a great role model in Finnish equestrian sports. How does it feel?

– It is something that is given. If with my example I can move others forward, that’s a great thing. It gives young riders hope that they can find a way if they really want to do something, says Kyrklund.

Kyrklund has a clear answer to what kind of lesson he wants to impart to all racing riders.

– A horse is not a sports equipment, but a living being. If it doesn’t feel that everything is fine, it won’t be able to give all that it can give at its best, Kyrklund reminds.

After a long time, Finland got a team place (the last team was 1988) for dressage at the Olympics. In addition to Kanerva, field riders have also achieved ground in the individual competitions Sanna Siltakorpi and Veera Manninen.

– Even though the number of members has gone down, I still don’t think the quality has decreased. It is important to guide young athletes right from the start. You have to have the basic skills immediately, says Kyrklund.
