From August 1, 2025, Enedis will charge millions of French people. This should not improve the popularity of the Linky counter, already at the heart of strong criticisms!
Electricity prices have increased at dizzying speed in recent years, recording an increase of more than 25 % in 2023! Even if this increase is starting to be touted, we are all very worried about our electricity bills, which are generally quite salty.
Inevitably, the Linky meter – Enedis’ intelligent electrical counter, the manager of the electricity distribution network in France, which transmits and receives the data remotely – concentrates all attentions. Deployed from 2015 and became compulsory, it now equips 95 % of French households.
But almost 2.1 million households still refuse to equip it. In question, numerous criticisms and conspiracy theories – it has been suspected, among other things, of producing harmful electromagnetic waves for health or collecting personal data used by the State. But the manager of the electricity network decided to make them pay, literally and figuratively.
Indeed, this resistance generates additional costs for Enedis, which must deploy technicians on site for statements. And the network manager intends to pass them on on the invoices of users. If, since 2023, subscribers who refused the yellow case could avoid paying an additional 54 euros by transmitting their meter statement at least once a year in Enedis, it will not be possible anymore.
Because, on February 6, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) confirmed in a newsletter that it was going to make households pay more equipped with the smart meter. From August 1, 2025, they will have to pay an additional 6.48 euros every two months, or almost 40 euros per year. And this, even if they themselves provide their statements.
In some cases, the invoice can even be superior! Indeed, households which would not spontaneously provide their electric meter index will be added at this time an additional 4.14 euros every two months. This increases the financial sanction to 63.72 euros over a year.
Of course, households that are unable to install a Linky counter will be exempt from costs. This is particularly the case for people who live in areas where heavy work is necessary to develop the electrical network. For the others, it is always possible to contact Enedis and finally authorize the change of counter. This looks like a showdown …