Frölunda crushed Rögle – after the dream start

Already after the first period, the game was basically over. Frölunda scored three goals in 15 minutes and Rögle had difficulty creating a scoring chance at all.

The home team’s shock opening forced Rögle’s coach Cam Abbott to act and replace goalkeeper Christoffer Rifalk.

Linus Öberg gave Frölunda the lead after 50 seconds, Jere Innala added before Carl Klingberg made it 3–0.

— Nice to get a box straight away. When we score a goal like that and then can also score 2-0, we can play relaxed. It’s a damn fine preparatory work to my goal, but of course it’s nice, says Klingberg in TV4 Play.

In the middle period, the goals continued to roll in – for both teams. Rögle played better and got a reduction, but when 40 minutes were played, they were still a long way from getting into the game properly. Frölunda led 5–2.

— We do a better period and come out hard, but we take on unnecessary expulsions. In any case, we have given ourselves the chance to turn this around, says Adam Engström.

Rögle’s away record this season has not impressed. Three straight losses before Saturday’s tough match. In fact, Rögle has four losses in the opening six games.

Now one more loss can be added to the bag. The away team tried to get into the game in the last 20, but were never close. Frölunda won quite comfortably with a total of 8–2.
