Frightening statement from the German minister during his visit to China: “It would be a ‘horror scenario’ for the whole world”

Frightening statement from the German minister during his visit to

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned that a conflict between China and Taiwan in a sovereignty dispute would be a “horror scenario” for the whole world.

During his official visit to China, the German Minister stated that a possible military tension in the Taiwan Strait will have consequences that will affect the whole world, at the press conference held after his meeting with his counterpart, China Gang, in the city of Tianjin.

Emphasizing that Germany adheres to the “one China” policy, which recognizes the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China, Baerbock emphasized that he is concerned about the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and said, “There is a military operation in the Taiwan Strait, through which 50 percent of the world trade passes. “The tension would be a horror scenario for the whole world. An instability here affects the interests of Germany, Europe and the whole world.” said.

Baerbock warned China against the use of force, “Disputes can be resolved peacefully. Changing the status quo unilaterally by violence is unacceptable for Europeans.” he said.

China Gang, on the other hand, argued that the tensions in the Taiwan issue stemmed from the foreign powers’ support for the pro-independence separatists on the Island, saying, “Taiwan, who wants peace in the Taiwan Strait, should take a firm stand against its independence.” used the phrases.

Regarding his German counterpart’s reservations about the risks associated with excessive economic dependence on China, the Chinese Minister said, “As long as both countries act openly, there is no need to worry about overdependence. Trade between China and Germany accounts for one-third of China’s total trade with Europe, but we We’re not worried about that.” replied with his words.


China held a military exercise around the island after Tsai Ing-wen, the leader of the island, which has a sovereignty dispute, visited the USA and met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarhty.

During the three-day exercise, 71 aircraft and 9 ships were seen on 8 April, 70 aircraft and 11 ships on 9 April, and 91 aircraft and 12 ships on 10 April.

Taiwan, which China defends as part of its territory, has enjoyed de facto independence since 1949 when the People’s Republic of China was founded. The separation that emerged after the civil war between mainland China and Taiwan still continues.

Beijing, emphasizing the principle of “One China”, opposes Taiwan’s establishing independent diplomatic relations with the countries of the world, its representation in the United Nations and other international organizations, and stipulates that the countries that recognize it should break diplomatic relations with Taiwan. (AA)
