Frightening image in the USA! Likened to rays coming from aliens spacecraft: The reality was very different

Frightening image in the USA Likened to rays coming from

Many surprising events occur in nature. Perhaps most of us have yet to witness most of them with the naked eye. Last week, striking and frightening images were captured across the USA. The images were white beams of light that seemed to hang in the sky. some even compared them to rays coming from alien spacecraft. However, the reality was very different.


Stunning pillars of light were seen across the US last week, the British Daily Mail reported. The columns, which were seen as white light beams hanging in the sky, attracted a lot of attention.

However, these pillars were neither from the aliens nor from the aliens’ vehicle. These were columns of light, an atmospheric optical phenomenon.

Residents in some states were stunned when they saw the atmospheric phenomenon known as pillars of light, which some have compared to rays coming from aliens’ spacecraft.

Many of the pillars of light were observed in the cold that swept through much of the country last week.

Witnesses said that the pillars appeared brighter and taller than in previous years, while it was noted that this could be due to the extreme cold.


Pillars of light are described as a magical, little-known and rare natural phenomenon created by reflections from ice particles. Although your brain thinks the pillars are there, it’s all an optical illusion. Special conditions are required for the formation of light columns.

Strong light sources can create columnar reflections towards the sky, especially in cold weather.

Pillars of light are often seen in colder climates, in the fall and winter when temperatures are low enough for ice to form in the atmosphere.
