Frightening figures about Covid-19: 15 million deaths!

Frightening figures about Covid 19 15 million deaths

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that approximately 15 million deaths in 2020 and 2021 are directly or indirectly related to Covid-19. In the written statement made by the organization, the results of the “additional death rate” calculation due to Covid-19 in the last two years were shared.

It has been reported that the additional death rate is calculated by including deaths directly caused by Covid-19, as well as deaths caused by diseases that are aggravated or difficult to treat due to the negative effects of the virus on the health system and society.

WHO stated that in addition to the 5.4 million deaths officially announced so far, it is estimated that 9.5 million more people lost their lives. According to the calculation, from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, Covid-19 caused a total of 13.3 million to 16.6 million deaths worldwide, directly and indirectly.


While 84 percent of the additional deaths were detected in WHO’s Southeast Asia, Europe and America regions, 68 percent of the total number of deaths occurred in only 10 countries.

Middle-income countries accounted for 81% of the total number of additional deaths, low-income countries 4% and high-income countries 15%.

In the gender distribution of casualties, men corresponded to 57 percent of the total number, while women corresponded to 43 percent.


WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, emphasizing that these striking data clearly show the impact of the global epidemic, “Member countries need to invest in a qualified health system that can sustain primary health care services in times of crisis.” used the phrase.


Ghebreyesus emphasized that WHO is determined to continue its support to member countries in strengthening health systems. (AA)
