Friendship across political lines: I hate Donald Trump – but love my friend

– I love Trump, Steve Barlock shouts straight into the camera.

– Hell, I don’t – but I love this guy, counters friend and bar owner Butch Buckley.

The two friends from Colorado couldn’t be further apart politically, but that doesn’t stop them from bumping and bouncing ideas.

Polarization continues to divide America

In the United States, the upcoming election continues to divide the country’s population and fuel polarization.

Fewer and fewer Americans meet people with political views that differ from theirs. In only 4 percent of all American marriages, one is a Democrat and the other is a Republican.

Meeting at a bar and talking politics with a friend isn’t always comfortable – but that doesn’t stop Butch and Steve.

Watch the two friends, with vastly different political views, debate American domestic policy in the video above.
