Frida Karlsson’s new words after the outcome that shocked the skiing world – now reveals the future plans: “There are ideas”

Frida Karlsson shocked everyone with her talk about the future.
Now she speaks again about her plans after her skiing career.
– New ideas pop up every day about what I want to do, she tells P4 Västernorrland.

Frida Karlsson will soon enter one of her most important pre-seasons during her so far short career. Next winter, the WC awaits in Trondheim, Norway, and Karlsson will hopefully arrive there with high confidence after a brilliant season.

New words about the future

But the vacation after the completed season last spring has also given Frida Karlsson time to think, and her future plans have led to strong reactions, to say the least. Frida Karlsson talked openly and honestly about how she is thinking of ending her career already at 27 years old, i.e. after the WC 2027.

That championship takes place in Falun, and in the same winter there is also the SM in Sollefteå, where Frida Karlsson is from. She has said that it would be a fitting end, but it would also have been shocking to end her career so young. Now, a month after the incident, Frida Karlsson tells us more about why she is thinking of ending her career prematurely.

– I set it above all to mentally be able to have a deadline. Then maybe you can ask me in three years, then we’ll see, says Karlsson to P4 Västernorrland.

“Pops up new ideas”

Frida Karlsson believes that having an end date is important for her motivation in the coming seasons.

– It is motivating to feel that: “Now I have three championship years left and then I want to do everything I can to make it as good as possible”, she says.

240320 Frida Karlsson, Sollefteå Skis IF after the ladies’ 20 km freestyle during day 1 of the SM week on March 20, 2024 in Boden. Photo: Carl Sandin / BILDBYRÅN / code CS / CS0505

She doesn’t yet know what Frida Karlsson wants to do after her career – but it doesn’t seem like she’s run out of ideas.

– From day to day I think: “But this! Or this! And I want to run a hotel! And do this!”. Some new ideas pop up every other day, I’d say. But we’ll see!

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