PHOTO: Bildbyrån
Norwegian Helene Marie Fossesholm is taking a break from skiing because she is not feeling well.
Frida Karlsson recognizes herself.
– Everyone has had periods when they felt better or worse. You have to learn what works, to find your own balance.
Helene Marie Fossesholm, 22, is one of Norway’s great hopes for the future on the women’s side. Recently, she announced the following on her Instagram account:
“Autumn did not turn out as I had hoped, unfortunately it has been a bit heavy. I have therefore had to take a break and take a step back. I haven’t been myself, neither physically nor mentally. There probably won’t be much skiing before Christmas, but I hope to be ready for some skiing after the New Year.”
Karlsson’s support
– It is good that she takes a break if she needs it. That she focuses on what is most important and that is to feel good, says Frida Karlsson.
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Karlsson says that life as a skier can mean that it is sometimes tough to feel good:
– I think that as an elite athlete you want a lot. You are very ambitious. It can be a fine line to be ambitious and to be a bit over the top. That things are going well. It is important to find a balance in it.
Have you been mentally ill in your career?
– Of course everyone had periods when they felt better or worse. You have to learn what works, to find your own balance. What is good in one way may be good for someone else in another way. It’s about learning to find yourself, replies Frida Karlsson and continues:
– It is good that she is doing the right thing. It wouldn’t have worked if she drove on. It is completely irrelevant if you are not feeling well.
Frida sorry
Earlier last fall, Frida Karlsson received a message that at first made her sad and worried. Mats Eklundwho in recent years has been her personal trainer in the national team, finished:
– Then I was sad. He has been a real rock for me, says Frida, but she calmed down when the news came Larry Poromaa would take over.
– Then it felt good. He is good. He has trained many in the team, says Frida Karlsson.
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In skiing circles, Larry Poromaa is seen as one of the most knowledgeable ski fencers. One point is that he was also Frida Karlsson’s father-in-law, which means that they know each other well.
– It’s about communicating well. It is in moments when you are a little nervous and need confirmation and a calm before the race. Here it was nice not to have to get to know him. We had already completed that part, says Frida Karlsson and laughs.
She is aware that the ban on fluoridated wax will be a change in waxing routines:
– There will be a few extra steps. I think it will be the first weekends that will be a little tough. Then it works automatically. I am calm.
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READ MORE: Charlotte Kalla’s big confession about the problems with Frida Karlsson and Linn Svahn: “I realized it”