PHOTO: Bildbyrån
Frida Karlsson is one of Sweden’s top skiers.
But now she raises her voice and speaks out after the nightmare report in Norway.
– It was very, very unfortunate. It is so tragic, she tells Expressen.
It is described as a nightmare message in ski Norway. The former great talent Helene Marie Fossesholm was seriously injured in September while playing soccer at an event for sponsors.
Norwegian nightmare
The 23-year-old reached for a ball during the soccer match and hit his knee on the grass. The kneecap dislocated and now she is fighting against the clock whether to have surgery or not.
– Then the whole season goes up in smoke. I don’t even want to think about that, says Fossesholm to Norwegian NRK.
READ MORE: Linn Svahn hits back at the criticism within the Swedish national ski team
The Swedish competitor Frida Karlsson is not only a successful cross-country skier but also a skilled soccer player. The 25-year-old played a match this summer with the parent club Remsle IK in division 2 – and also scored a goal.
Karlsson refuses
Karlsson has so far survived nasty injuries in her hobby alongside cross-country skiing, but now she is suffering with the Norwegian.
– It was very, very unfortunate. It’s so tragic when it happens when you’re supposed to be having a little fun. And then you get shit for it, she tells Expressen.
But that still doesn’t stop Frida from giving up soccer. She refuses to give up her side project outside the ski slopes.
– No, I’m so naive that I think that that will never happen to me. I don’t think you can walk around being afraid. Then it’s obviously very unfortunate when it does happen, she says in the interview.
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The national ski team is very aware of the risk, but will not prohibit its blue-yellow skiers from engaging in other sports outside the ski season.
– As long as they don’t injure themselves, it’s okay, says the national team coach Stefan Thomson with a laugh to the evening paper.
– We never say no to anything. There are no prohibitions. However, you should always have a discussion about how high the risk is and whether it is worth it.
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