Frida Karlsson is seen hard in Norway – after the Swedish star’s controversial outing: “She has a responsibility”

Ski star Frida Karlsson discussed a radical decision with his coach ahead of this season.
The proposal is now being discussed by the Norwegian men’s skiers.
– It is completely unthinkable for me, says Sindre Björnestad Skar to Nettavisen.

The next ski season will be a championship-less one. Instead, the skiers have to wait until the World Cup and Tour de Ski to compete. Afterwards, however, three championship years await, with the WC in Trondheim 2025 first.

Karlsson’s plan

That fact got Frida Karlsson, 24, to ponder between two alternatives. To run all the World Cup races with the goal of winning the overall World Cup, or to not race at all, just train.
– It was completely serious. I spoke up Per (Nilssoncoach) that I will not compete at all, she tells Expressen.

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230219 Frida Karlsson of Sweden poses for a portrait at a press event with the Swedish Cross-Country Skiing team ahead of the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships on February 19, 2023 in Unterferlach. Photo: Petter Arvidson / BILDBYRÅN / code PA / PA0508

Karlsson landed in something in between – participating in some World Cup competitions as well as riding the Tour de Ski. But just the thought that one skier would stand over all the competitions in one season upsets the Norwegian ski masters.
– It is never something I would consider. In my world, the competitions are the most fun. From my perspective, I could never imagine training for a whole year without competing, because that’s what I like best, says Harald Östberg Amundsen to the Norwegian Nettavisen, which describes Karlsson’s proposal as “drastic”.

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Saw by the Norwegians

Sindre Björnestad Skar agree.
– In any case, it is completely unthinkable for me. For me, regardless of whether it’s a championship or not, I’m so happy to cross-country ski and compete, and think it’s so much more fun than training itself, that it would never have worked for me, he says.

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230302 Frida Karlsson of Sweden after the Women’s Cross Country Skiing 4 x 5km Relay during the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships on March 2, 2023 in Planica. Photo: Petter Arvidson / BILDBYRÅN / code PA / PA0530

The Norwegians also stress that it is important for the World Cup as a product that big profiles like Frida Karlsson participate.
– As one of the best ladies we have now, she has a responsibility to be in the World Cup races. If many people opt out of many World Cup races, the product will deteriorate, says Sjur Röthe to Nettavisen.

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