PHOTO: Bildbyrån
Frida Karlsson is currently fully charging for the upcoming ski season.
But now she eases her heart for an important issue beside the ski tracks.
The Swedish skiing star is now appealing to the Swedes for a big change.
The summer is coming to an end and our Swedish skiers are getting ready for the new season. One of our biggest stars in Frida Karlsson is in the middle of tough preparations for the coming winter.
Karlsson’s plea
But beside the ski tracks, she now takes her responsibility to bring about a decisive change. The 25-year-old has become involved in an important issue of the heart for his hometown Sollefteå and wants to bring about a change.
The article continues below.
In a new campaign video, see below, by Sollefteå Municipality, Karlsson raises his voice for a new proposal. In order to get train traffic on the Östersund-Sollefteå-Umeå route that can make everyday life easier for many Swedes in Norrland, the goal is to get passenger traffic up and running before 2030.
– There will be many travel days during a year as a skier in the world elite. Both as athletes and citizens, we have a responsibility to ensure that the next generation can live and achieve their dreams. And it is to choose an electric car or train when it is available, says the Swedish skiing star in the video.
Frida’s own words
The investment is made to connect one of Norrland’s most densely populated areas and at the same time benefit the environment.
– I think it opens up lots of opportunities for both athletes and young people as well as commuters and visitors to take the train from coast to coast and also connect the cities of Umeå and Östersund in a better way, says Frida as justification.
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The national cross-country skier himself rides a lot between Sollefteå and Östersund and is therefore a little extra passionate about the proposal for train traffic.
– Oh, how I would like to take the bicycle or roller skis one way and train the other between my two homes in Sollefteå and Östersund. Decision makers are elected to make wise decisions for us living here and now – but also for future generations. Making it possible for us to transport ourselves in a smooth and sustainable way in this region is certainly a question of survival and for me an important question, says Frida Karlsson in the video.
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