French women, divided between beauty products and cosmetic surgery

French women divided between beauty products and cosmetic surgery

  • News
  • Posted on 08/31/2021

    1 min read

    A new study conducted by YesStyle reveals that France is among the top 10 countries that consume the most cosmetics and certain aesthetic practices.

    Despite the confinements and the wearing of masks, French consumers continue to be interested in cosmetics. According to a new survey conducted by YesStyle, a beauty specialist site, France ranks 6th out of 14 in terms of spending on beauty products. The United States is in first position, just ahead of Japan.

    Among the most purchased cosmetic products in France, the essential gloss is in first place. Exit the too conspicuous lipstick, French women recently opted for a light lip gloss which dresses the mouth in one passage. According to the study, make-up addicts seem to carry more importance to the lips than to the eyebrows. The eyebrow pencil is the least popular product in France.

    Cosmetic surgery: neck liftings very popular in France

    If France does not appear in the top 10 of the countries which lists the most cosmetic surgeries (11th in the ranking), it is nevertheless in the lead for certain practices. Among them, neck lift and gluteal, nose and chest surgeries place France in 2nd and 3rd position. South Korea takes first place in artificial beauty. The country has a high number of operations of the nose and eyelids, particularly trends in recent years.

    This interest of French women in neck and nose surgeries can be explained by the number of hours spent in videoconferencing during the health crisis. The fact of seeing each other constantly would generate more complexes and the desire for change.

