French people spend on average 65 euros on subscriptions per month

French people spend on average 65 euros on subscriptions per

A recent study reveals the amount that French people spend on average on their different subscriptions. A fairly high figure, but which does not prevent some from wanting to pay more.

It is difficult to escape it in 2024. Subscriptions to online services are now very numerous. Whether it’s online press, applications for watching series and films or even a service for listening to music online, subscriptions are everywhere.

The company Bango recently conducted a study on the habits of French people regarding their subscriptions. On the sidelines of the 2024 Olympic Games, a quarter of French subscribers plan to subscribe to new subscription services to follow the different events of the competition.

The study showed that the average French person generally benefits from 3 different subscriptions. This represents an average of 65 euros of subscription per month and 780 euros per year! Such a figure allows France to establish itself among the highest spending countries in Europe in terms of subscriptions.

Too many subscriptions

However, these figures hide a certain weariness of the French in this area. The study specifies that 66% of Ile-de-France consumers believe that there are now far too many subscription services. Among the users surveyed, 57% would like a single application to manage all of their current subscriptions. Questioned on the subject, the French people surveyed responded that they would be willing to pay 20 euros more per month for a service that includes all of their current subscriptions.

Recent decisions by giants like Netflix or Disney+ also have repercussions on the habits of French consumers. Among those surveyed, 33% are now paying for a new subscription that they previously benefited from with account sharing. 22% also admit to consuming pirated content due to the lack of all-in-one options. A figure higher than in the rest of Europe.
