French NGOs concerned about the disappearance of 3,000 places in the Samu social

French NGOs concerned about the disappearance of 3000 places in

Six days before the start of the Paris Olympic Games, the collective of associations “Le vers de la monnaie” is once again warning of the consequences of the sporting event on the most vulnerable. To accommodate visitors, hotels have put back into tourist rental the rooms usually reserved for people on the streets. For the homeless, it is increasingly difficult to find a roof.

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There is no place to sleep since I gave birth. I spent four months outside with the child » : suitcase on wheels and baby in a sling around her chest, Niclette wanders from morning to night in the streets of Paris. The Samu social did not find a place for her this night, so she tries her luck with a other association.

There is our association called Utopia 56. […] There, we haven’t eaten yet. We’re leaving, walking, walking every day. That’s how it is ” she continues.

Housing crisis exacerbated by Olympics and forced relocation

With the arrival of the Olympic Gamesthe Parisian hotels that housed the families have resumed their tourist activity. This further marginalizes vulnerable people, according to Bénédicte Maraval, social worker.

For this social assistance, which particularly supports young mothers on the street who are struggling to find a roof over their heads, this removal poses a problem for monitoring families and their children. This is because ” They often went to school next to the hotel where they were staying. ” According to Bénédicte Maraval, the ” hoteliers have resumed tourist activity “, while many “ places that had been opened during the Covid-19 crisis “.

She claims that families are being relocated to other departments, outside of Paris.

Most of the time, it’s in the depths of 77, the week after, in the depths of 78, in 91. It’s really all over the Île-de-France and very difficult to access by public transport. To eat and for all their daily needs, they have to come back to Paris where they know where to find food aid. They go back and forth every day. »

In total, 3,000 emergency hotel accommodation places have been withdrawn in one year. Samu Social from the Paris region.

Read alsoChasing the poor: for the 2024 Olympics, anti-homeless street furniture is multiplying in France
