French media: Finnish conductor Klaus Mäkelä performs at the opening of the Olympic Games | Sport

French media Finnish conductor Klaus Makela performs at the opening

Mäkelä has been the musical director of the Paris Orchestra since 2021.

The opening of the Paris Olympics on Friday will also see Finnish skill, if French Radio Classique sources is believing.

According to the radio channel focused on classical music, a Finnish conductor Klaus Mäkelä conducts the Paris Orchestra, which will perform at 20:00 local time at the Palace of the Conciergers on the Île de la Cité in the Seine.

The opening procession of the Paris Olympics moves on boats through the city along the Seine. Mäkelä has been the musical director of the Paris Orchestra since 2021.

On Thursday evening, sought confirmation from Mäkelä’s agency for the appearance, but it has not yet been received.

Born in 1996, Klaus Mäkelä has already achieved a lot. At the age of 12, he entered the Sibelius Academy’s youth department’s conducting class Jorma Panula i learned

The six-year studies did not continue for the adult conducting class, because orchestras all over Finland were already asking him to conduct their concerts.

In 2016, Mäkelä became a client of the London agency Harrison & Parrot. In 2017, he was appointed the main guest of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Since 2020, Mäkelä has served as chief conductor of the Oslo Philharmonic.

Mäkelä will start in 2027 as music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Founded in 1891, the symphony orchestra is one of the oldest in the United States. When Mäkelä starts, he becomes the youngest music director in the orchestra’s history.
