French journalist killed in Ukraine

Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff, 32 years old, a reporter for BFM-TV, was killed by shrapnel in the Donbass. This is the second French journalist killed in this war between Russia and Ukraine.

Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff was covering the conflict in Ukraine for BFMTV. He was accompanying a humanitarian convoy of civilians fleeing the fighting in the Donbass. He was in the bus, in the Severodonetsk region when the convoy was bombed. Frederic was hit by a projectile.
The death of this journalist is deeply shocking, said Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, traveling in the Kyiv region. “I condemn it and offer our condolences to his family and colleagues.”
She added: “France reaffirms its constant and determined commitment, throughout the world, to press freedom and the protection of journalists and all those whose expression contributes to free information and public debate.”
This is the second French journalist to die in Ukraine, more than two months after the disappearance of French-Irish journalist Pierre Zakrezewski.
