French children from Syria: what reception system for their possible return?

French children from Syria what reception system for their possible

Three years after the fall of the Islamic State organization, around 200 French children are still detained in Kurdish camps in northeast Syria. France maintains its policy of repatriation on a case-by-case basis and refuses a global plan for these minors and their mothers. However, the reception system exists, explains Oriane Verdier, journalist with the international service of RFI.

In this episode of News cookies, Oriane Verdier returns to the reasons why France is reluctant to bring back French children from Syria. A government plan was on the verge of completion in 2019 but it never saw the light of day because, explains Oriane: “ The State keeps in mind that public opinion is against the return of these children “.

Oriane also recounts her meeting with a couple who have been fighting for several years for the return of their grandchildren. ” When we arrive in their apartment, we really have the impression that their grandchildren are there says Oriane, because their rooms are ready to welcome them. She adds : ” There is a contrast between these people who on a daily basis hope that their grandchildren will arrive and authorities who do not even speak to them. “.

The few children who have been able to reach France are entrusted to the Childhood Social Assistance on their arrival and then placed in foster families. They are closely followed by psychiatrists and educators: “ The objective is not to ask these children to forget but to manage, little by little, to make them understand what happened and help them build their lives. “.

To listen also: French children detained in Syria, awaiting return

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