French baccalaureate 2023: date and times of the anticipated tests

French baccalaureate 2023 date and times of the anticipated tests

In June, the pupils of Première will take their anticipated French tests, with a view to obtaining the baccalaureate. What is the date and time of the French baccalaureate 2023? Calendar.

The French bac falls on Thursday June 15, 2023 in the morning. Also called advance French tests, it is part of the tests for the general and technological baccalaureate that all students in the general stream must pass at the end of their first year. The following year, in Terminale, the advance French tests count in the final mark for obtaining the baccalaureate. For candidates for the diploma, it is therefore an examination that is important. How is the written and oral test going? here are the dates and times of the French baccalaureate 2023.

What is the date of the advance French tests in 2023?

This year, the advance French tests take place Thursday, June 15, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The written test of the advance French tests lasts 4 hours, and consists of writing an essay or text commentary. In the technological sector, the dissertation is replaced by a contraction of text.

As it concerns the date of the French oralit depends on each academy, and generally takes place after the written French tests. The French oral test for the general and technological baccalaureate consists of two parts with, beforehand, 30 minutes preparation time. During the first part of the test (12 minutes), the student prepares the text retained by the examiner and offers a reading aloud, then offers a linear explanation of a passage of about twenty lines. He will also have to answer a grammar question on the chosen text. During the second part of the oral French test, the student is invited to present the work he has chosen from among those studied in class (over a period of 8 minutes). The first part of the oral test is marked out of 12 points, the second out of 8 points.

How many oral French texts?

The number of texts to be presented orally is 20 in the general track and 12 in the technological track.according to the following breakdown:

  • At least 3 texts including 2 excerpts from a work studied and 1 text for the course within the framework of the subject of study “Literature of ideas”;
  • At least 1 text, from the chosen work or from the course, for each of the 3 other subjects of study.

What coefficient for the French baccalaureate?

The advance French tests at the end of first year have a coefficient of 5 in writing, and 5 in speaking.

What were the subjects of the French baccalaureate 2022?

French subjects for the general baccalaureate

The written French test for the general baccalaureate concerns a text commentary or an essay. The test is marked out of 20 points.

  • The novel and the narrative from the Middle Ages to the 21st century” in text commentary, based on an excerpt from Days of Anger, by Sylvie Germain, published in 1989;
  • Poetry from the 19th century to the 21st century” in a dissertation with three subjects to choose from: one focused on Les Contemplations by Victor Hugo, the other on Les Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire and the last on Alcohols by Guillaume Apollinaire.

French subjects for the technological baccalaureate

The technological baccalaureate test involves a commentary or a text contraction followed by a test. The test is marked on 20 points, or on 10 points + 10 points.

  • “The novel and the narrative from the Middle Ages to the 21st century” for the text commentary, based on an extract from Germinal, by Émile Zola
  • “The literature of ideas from the 16th to the 18th century” for the text contraction (10 points) and the essay (10 points), with three extracts to choose from, one from Gargantua, from Rabelais, the second from Characters , by La Bruyère, and the third of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen, by Olympe de Gouges.
