French adoptions suspended in Russia and Ukraine

French adoptions suspended in Russia and Ukraine

France suspends adoptions of children living in Ukraine or Russia for a period of three months, in order to avoid risks for children and adoptive families.

The French can no longer adopt children living in Ukraine or Russia, for a period of three months, as of this Thursday, March 10, according to two decrees published in the Official newspaper this Thursday. Indeed, the government has decided to to suspend “all international adoption procedures concerning children having their habitual residence in Ukraine by any person residing in FranceThis decision was taken urgently to protect the children and the adoptive families. However, parents who already have a procedure in progress will be able to complete their process to welcome their child.

Who is affected by the suspension of adoptions?

► Regarding adoptions in Russia, this order issued urgently by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs therefore concerns files which have not “gave rise, on the date of publication of this order, to a match by the competent Russian authorities”.

► For an adoption project in Ukrainethe request is still valid for files which, as of March 7, have not given rise to “a decision by the competent Ukrainian authorities to put the child in contact with the candidates for adoption”.
