Frejus, Mit: France confirms reopening in the second half of 2024

Frejus Mit France confirms reopening in the second half of

(Finance) – The Ministry of Transport has announced that the France during the G7 Transport announced that the second tube of the Frejus tunnel should be inaugurated in the second half of 2024 and the railway section damaged by the landslide last summer should be reopened. The MIT added that Salvini hoped that rail passage – at least for goods – could restart as soon as possible.

As for the tunnel Mountain White, continues the MIT, Minister Salvini reiterated his desire to conduct joint studies to minimize the inconvenience caused by the works. The new Convention on the railway line was also signed with France Cuneo-Breil-Ventimiglia, relating to the maintenance and use of the route in French territory. The new agreement provides for a cost sharing of overall expenses for a minimum of 25%.

Finally, the European issue of fuels was also addressed, in particular regarding the airplane transport: “full agreement between Italy and France – concludes the MIT – to promote the use of SAF“.
