Freedom Convoy: On the way to Brussels

After a difficult day in Paris on Saturday, some demonstrators braved the authorities under the Eiffel Tower while others headed for Brussels.

Saturday was marked by numerous incidents between the police and the Freedom Convoy demonstrators. The police arrested 97 people and issued 513 tickets according to the Paris prefecture. But if the police managed to contain the crowd of this “France of the forgotten” there were also some blunders like the one of this policeman taking out his weapon on a motorist, place de l’Etoile. An investigation has been opened.

Forbidden demonstration

If many demonstrators have decided to stay in the capital for another day, others have taken the road to Lille and Brussels where a big demonstration is planned for Monday 14 February.
Of course, the police have warned that any demonstration is forbidden, but it is difficult to see how the Belgian authorities will succeed in blocking so many vehicles (cars, trucks, campers) coming from several European countries.
The day of this Monday promises to be particularly agitated in the European capital and the country’s freeways are likely to experience major traffic jams.
