“Free Moussa”, passengers on a Paris-Bamako flight prevent the deportation of a young man

Free Moussa passengers on a Paris Bamako flight prevent the deportation

In France, passengers on a Paris-Bamako flight managed to prevent the deportation of a man on Friday afternoon, June 28. Moussa, 25, has lived most of his life in France but is under an obligation to leave the territory (OQTF). On social networks, the hashtag Free Moussa called on travelers scheduled on the same flight as Moussa to demand his disembarkation. And the mobilization bore fruit: the young man temporarily escaped this expulsion but for how long?

2 mins

The scene takes place this Friday, June 28 in the afternoon in a plane parked on the tarmac of Orly airport, not far from Paris (France). Passengers refuse to sit down and warn the flight attendants: there is no question of the plane taking off until Moussa is brought back to the ground. This 25-year-old man is about to be deported to the Malicountry where he was born but which he quits for France when he was a child.

Waiting for a residence permit

This obligation to leave the territory was notified to him a month ago, during the evacuation of a squat in Montreuil managed by the association En gare, for which Moussa carried out social patrols. At the time of his arrest, the young man was waiting for a provisional residence permit, granted by the administrative court but never delivered by the prefecture.

Administrative detention center

Thanks to the appeal relayed in particular by the anti-racist activist Assa Traoré or the singer Kalash, Moussa was finally disembarked from this first flight, but others will soon be scheduled. He was returned to an administrative detention center where he has been locked up since his arrest, and where he can stay for a maximum period of 90 days.

Read alsoRights of foreigners: in France, Cimade denounces ever more abusive confinements
