Free is launching a new mobile application on Android and iOS, simply called Free and bringing together the Freebox and Free Mobile subscriber areas in the same place. This should greatly simplify the lives of users.

Free is launching a new mobile application on Android and

Free is launching a new mobile application on Android and iOS, simply called Free and bringing together the Freebox and Free Mobile subscriber areas in the same place. This should greatly simplify the lives of users.

It’s a small update that will please Free subscribers and make their lives easier. The telecommunications operator has just updated its Android and iOS applications, in order to bring together access to the Freebox and Free Mobile subscriber areas in the same place. Previously, you had to use two separate applications, Freebox-Subscribers area And Free Mobile-My Accountto access its various customer accounts on mobile, which was neither very intuitive nor very practical.

Now the application Free Mobile-My Account disappears and its functions are integrated within the application Freebox-Subscribers arearenamed simply Free for the occasion. After performing the update, the new application Free for Android and iOS now welcomes you to a page allowing you to choose whether to connect to your Freebox Subscriber Area or your Mobile Subscriber Area. When you first connect to your mobile, the new app will ask you to perform strong authentication if you have activated this option on your Free accounts.

The Freebox Subscriber Space section remains unchanged, the new features being found in the Mobile Subscriber Space section, which is made up of three sections accessible via the tabs at the bottom of the screen. Section Welcome allows you to consult the details of your current plan as well as the last 12 bills and the details of your voice, SMS/MMS and data consumption. Section My account allows you to manage your main and secondary lines, to order new ones, attach or detach them from your Freebox subscription, and to modify some personal information. Finally, the section Settings currently allows you to choose the application display mode (light or dark), rate the app and log out.


The functions and parameters accessible via the Mobile Subscriber Area of ​​the application Free for Android and iOS are therefore quite few in number at the moment. To activate more advanced options and services, such as call restrictions, you will still have to go through the Free Mobile subscriber area on the Web, which has not been merged with the Freebox subscriber area. It is nevertheless a first step in the right direction on the part of the operator and it is very likely that the new app Free will gradually be enriched with new functions in the future. If you have already installed the Free applications on your phone, all you need to do is update them to benefit from the new unified and revamped version. And if not, you can directly download the new version titled Free on the App Store or Play Store.
