Free gardener’s advice to bring faded hydrangeas back to life in minutes

Free gardeners advice to bring faded hydrangeas back to life

With this technique, your hydrangea bouquets will regain color in just a few minutes.

With their large, colourful pink, blue, white or green flowers, hydrangeas are one of the most prized jewels in our gardens. Hydrangeas are also magnificent in bouquets. In a large bouquet with several flowers, or just a stem combined with other varieties, hydrangeas always make a splash! However, it often happens that these magnificent flowers fade. Their pretty colour tends to fade and the petals become brown and dry within a few hours when they are cut due to their high humidity requirement.

Hydrangeas, as their name suggests (from the Greek “hydor” meaning “water”), are particularly water-hungry. When their flowers start to wilt, it’s often a sign that they’re lacking hydration. Due to the thick, woody stems of hydrangeas, it can be difficult for the flower to get the water it needs. Luckily, there’s a simple and effective method to bring those wilted flowers back to life in just a few minutes, and it requires nothing more than… water and a few instructions.

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This trick involves completely submerging the heads of the faded flowers in water to restore their former glory. There are a few steps to follow to revitalize your faded hydrangeas. Start by filling a large container with cold water. Make sure the container is deep enough to completely submerge the flower heads. Then, gently submerge the entire head of the faded flowers in the water. Let them sit for about 15 to 30 minutes.

During this time, the water will soak through the petals and stems, rehydrating the entire flower. This immersion allows the cells to re-swell, restoring vigor and freshness to the hydrangeas. Once the time has elapsed, remove the flowers from the water and let them drain. You will quickly notice that the hydrangeas have regained color and seem much more alive. Place them back in their vase to enjoy them again.

In addition to this rehydration method, it is recommended to regularly spray the flowers with water to maintain their hydration. You can also add a few drops of white vinegar or lemon juice to the water in your vase to lower the pH, which will help the hydrangeas absorb water more efficiently.
