Free deepfake tool “Deep-Live-Cam” is starting to attract a lot of attention

Free deepfake tool Deep Live Cam is starting to attract a lot

The free deepfake tool “Deep-Live-Cam” has started to attract a lot of attention lately. The infrastructure continues to develop in a frightening way It does.

Available for free hereDeep Live Cam“, an artificial intelligence-powered deepfake tool. This tool detects the (just one photo is enough) It takes a person’s face and replaces it with another person’s face. The tool works in real time, meaning it can also function during live video calls.reportedly in development since the end of 2023. It realistically applies adjustments such as angle, facial expression and lighting with artificial intelligence technology.Deep Live Cam”, in the process ““GFPGAN” He also gets help from a model named. What kind of performance did you put forward? in the video here system you can seein the coming period, many “fraudulent activity” It can be actively used. Before this, a deepfake-based scam had come to the fore. A company abroad, based in Hong Kong, paid $25 million because of an employee who was deceived by deepfake technology. lost.


All the details and some of the best examples Here we give place to Deepfakebut for those who still don’t know, it works on artificial intelligence and machine learning and basically very realistic video montages It allows you to do the following on Photoshop: “photomontage” The technique that brings the process to videos in a very realistic way, besides the image can also change the soundWith this system, you can make your voice sound like someone else’s voice in a very realistic way.

Technology that has become usable in real time with developing systems, This was recently brought to the agenda with an employee who was deceived on this basis. It turned out that an employee working in the Hong Kong office of a multinational company was taken to a video interview organized using deepfake technology, where the company’s CFO, or financial affairs manager, was also impersonated. As part of the fake interview, the fraudsters He gave instructions to transfer a total of 25.6 million to five separate Hong Kong-based bank accounts and they achieved this goal in a short time through some e-mails they sent with 15 different transfers.

In his defense when this situation arose, “Everyone looked real.” The employee, who said, has not yet been able to breathe easy because the police are still investigating the people behind this incident, and it is stated that no arrests have been made yet. In video interviews, which are generally of low quality, everyone needs to be very careful, and when it comes to financial data, different verification systems need to be used. After this incident, many multinational companies are expected to introduce new security measures.
