Fraudsters made millions from smuggled dogs

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

A network in Norrköping has tricked customers around the country into buying dogs that turned out to be sick, of the wrong breed or smuggled in. It shows one examination as Norrköping Tidningar has done.

– We have identified a network in Norrköping that has been involved in a ruthless trade in dogs and systematically deceived dog buyers and earned millions, says Jenny Carlsson, who is a reporter at Norrköping Tidningar.

The dog breed they have been dealing with is Bischon frize.

– These puppies have been advertised as Swedish-born, purebred, healthy puppies but have since turned out to be sick, in some cases smuggled and sometimes actually of the wrong breed, says Jenny Carlsson.

Many have reacted strongly to the review and people around the country who have had the same thing happen to them have contacted the newspaper, says Jenny Carlsson.

Watch NT’s reporter tell more about the smugglers, what the buyers have said, in the player above.
