François Hollande pays Gabriel Attal whom he compares… to Nicolas Sarkozy

Francois Hollande pays Gabriel Attal whom he compares to Nicolas

A bit mischievous, the former head of state François Hollande did not fail to target the communication of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal on the set of Quotidien. He sees the shadow of Nicolas Sarkozy there.

Like an old dispute. Guest on the set of Daily Thursday February 15, the former President of the Republic François Hollande did a double blow. “In a way, Gabriel Attal is the return of Nicolas Sarkozy”. As if to mark his deep disagreement with the policy pursued by the Head of State Emmanuel Macron, and rekindle the embers of a rivalry which has never really ceased to exist with his predecessor at the Elysée, sentenced to one year in prison including six months suspended in the Bygmalion affair, Wednesday February 14. His lawyer, Vincent Desry, announced his wish to appeal to the Court of Cassation.

“Sometimes it is better than the original, but the original, for the moment is prevented”

On Yann Barthès’ set, the Socialist particularly regretted the lexical field used by the youngest Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic. “Themes” and “expressions” that make “tirelessly think of Nicolas Sarkozy”. The former head of state cites in particular the desire of the tenant of Matignon “to go after all the housing with his teeth” regarding the crisis in the real estate sector. Words that “may offend” for the ex-president, in the same way as “working is a duty”, a response heard from the mouth of Gabriel Attal after the announcement of a strike by SNCF controllers for this weekend. end. If he recognizes the “talent” of a head of government only 34 years old, for him, “these are the same formulas” used for a time by Nicolas Sarkozy.

“Sometimes, it is better than the original, but the original, for the moment, is prevented” even launched François Hollande, a bit teasing towards the former mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine, his best enemy still mired in his problems with the law. If François Hollande did not attempt to tactfully tackle former President Sarkozy, he did not completely exclude the idea of ​​a candidacy for the presidential election of 2027. As if the adrenaline of the fiery duel P.S./UMP had never evaporated.
