François Braun: who is this doctor approached to become Minister of Health?

Francois Braun who is this doctor approached to become Minister

FRANCOIS BRAUN. The emergency doctor should join the government this Monday, July 4, 2022. The president of Samu-Urgences France will change functions and become Minister of Health.

[Mis à jour le 4 juillet 2022 à 10h31] Several names have circulated in recent hours to replace Brigitte Bourguignon at the Ministry of Health. The latter, having lost in the legislative elections, could not remain in office. It was finally François Braun who was chosen, according to information from BFM TV, to replace her on rue Duquesne. The emergency physician currently heads the Samu-Urgences de France. This head of department at the regional hospital center of Metz Thionville has been propelled to the front of the stage in the light of the Covid crisis.

He became politicized during the last presidential campaign by participating in the development of Emmanuel Macron’s program on health. He then declared at the microphone of France Bleu: “I found the project interesting. There are already things that have been done, so it’s a bit of continuity. Even if I don’t necessarily agree with all that has been done.” In May 2022, he wrote a column highlighting the precariousness of 120 emergency services across the country, forced to limit their activity for lack of caregivers. He is then entrusted with a flash mission by the President of the Republic. He made his recommendations recently. The Prime Minister announced on Friday 1er July having retained the 41 proposals of François Braun, such as the generalized filtering of emergencies by the Samu, the triage of patients, the remuneration of doctors and the management of beds.

The reactions to this future appointment are mixed in the medical community. Christian Rabaud, infectious disease specialist at the Nancy CHRU, wants to be confident, at the microphone of France 3: “At this ministry, the site is enormous. Very different from that experienced by Olivier Véran. He inherits a very fragile system. solutions have not been found. The Covid-19 crisis is not over.” And to add confident: “The mission entrusted to him was a bit delusional. In one month, he did not come out badly.” But not everyone is as optimistic as Professor Rabaud. Patrick Pelloux, president of the Association of Emergency Physicians of France, warns the new Minister of Health: “I hope that he will not make his ministry the gateway to his union. That of the clans and networks. Will he listen to everyone now that he is Minister of the Republic?”, He asked at the microphone of France 3.
