François Bayrou says “no” to a return to 62 years – L’Express

Francois Bayrou says no to a return to 62 years

Prime Minister François Bayrou, guest on France Inter this Sunday, March 16, responded in the negative to a return from the retirement age at 62 – against 64 years in the current law. “I do not believe that the parametric question, as they say, that is to say the question of saying ‘here is the age for everyone’ […] Either the only track, “he said.

“We must at all costs have two discussions, one on the private sector, with the requirement to return to balance in 2030” and “secondly, wonder what method we can find, with regard to pensions of the public, so that we have, in the long term, a return to a better balance in public finances”, developed the former High Commissioner.

Read also: The secret note of Bruno Retailleau to Emmanuel Macron, the SMS of François Bayrou to Edouard Philippe

“Given the threats, we would do well to bring together social and political forces, not to ask them whether to return to a reform already voted, but to wonder how to adapt to a considerable, almost existential effort,” said Friday, in Le FigaroEdouard Philippe, mayor of Le Havre, who has a congress this Sunday.

“Divergence” with Edouard Philippe

François Bayrou has also expressed his “divergence” with his predecessor, boss of horizons candidate for the presidential election, who judges “completely above ground” and “already completely exceeded” the “conclave” of consultations between social partners on pensions set up by the government in view of the international context. “Edouard Philippe considers that social democracy and social partners, it is negligible, that it is necessary to () leave them aside, that it is necessary to consider that now the decision must come from the summit and to win at the base,” said the head of government.

Read also: Clément Tonon, advisor to Edouard Philippe: “The central block must be radicalism”

Faced with these criticisms, the boss of the CFDT, Marylise Léon, defended Saturday in Ouest-France Consultations on pensions, considering that it was a “useful and necessary” meeting. She also considered that the debate, against the backdrop of war in Ukraine and Russian threat, aimed at establishing the primacy of the war economy on social spending, was “very opportunistic”.

Several actors of the political and economic world, like Edouard Philippe, questioned the merits of this conclave – from which Force Ouvrière (FO) slammed the door – with regard to geopolitical changes and the defense effort which must be produced.
