Franchetti, ABB completed. Shares subscribed by Axon Partners and Algebris

Franchetti ABB completed Shares subscribed by Axon Partners and Algebris

(Telestock) – Franchettia company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the maintenance of infrastructure networks, has Accelerated Bookbuilding (ABB) completed on 1,017,000 new ordinary shares, equal to 12.70% of the new share capital, at a price of 5.90 euros (18% discount compared to today’s closing price) for each new share, for a total value of 6,000,300 euros (including premium).

The new ordinary shares were subscribed by Axon Partners Group and from AlgebrisInvestments.

Upon completion of the operation, Franchetti Holding Srl will hold a stake equal to 76.83% of the share capital (62.95% of the ordinary shares and 86.76% of the voting rights).
